Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Democrats and White Supremacists agree; abortion is good

You probably don't know that one of the first things Hitler did when he got power was to legalize abortion; but only for Jews.

Why do White supremacists support abortion? Because Black women are 3 times as likely to abort as white women.  Over all in America 40% of Black babies are aborted.

If someone hates Blacks they'll love abortion.

Oddly, if we're to believe the Big Lie that the Democrat party isn't racist, Democrats also support abortion.  They don't mind that 80% of Planned Parenthood abortion clinics are in minority neighborhoods either.

There would be millions more Blacks in America if Blacks didn't abort at such a high rate but Democrats don't seem to be bothered.

Perhaps because many Democrats have said that abortion is good because it saves us having to pay for welfare.  But like Biden's recent Freudian slip where he said some Blacks can be as smart as white kids we all know that when rich white Democrats talk about people on welfare they're not talking about whites.  Which means that at least some Democrats want Blacks to abort because they think of Blacks as poor people on welfare not Americans.

Democrats do attack any and almost all racial disparities as being racist.  About 13% of Americans are Black so if any desirable job has less than 13% Blacks or if more than 13% of prison inmates are Black Democrats scream racism.

Yet when Black women are 3 times as likely to abort as white women Democrats say nothing.

The simple reality is that despite all their claims Democrat policies hurt Blacks.

On the other hand it's obvious that conservatives aren't racist. After all if they were they'd be fine with abortion.  Instead conservatives fight tooth and nail to ensure that abortion is ended, or at least limited to the hard cases and the first trimester, so that there are more Black Americans.

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