Sunday, August 25, 2019

More proof of climate change chicanery; Michael Mann loses court case

Scientist Tim Ball said that Michael Mann, principle author of the discredited hockey stick temperature diagram that purportedly showed man was causing huge temperature increases, belonged in prison not at a university.

Michael Mann sued Ball for libel back in 2011.  The case has finally come to a conclusion with the court dismissing the case with prejudice and making Mann pay Ball's legal expenses.

That is the result of the fact that Mann refused, even after the court ordered him to, to produce the data that was used to create the hockey stick.  Ball quite correctly pointed out that if the data does not in fact support Mann's claim then Mann must have known that which in turn would show that Ball was right in claiming that Mann intentionally tried to fool people.

Given that Mann would have every reason to produce the data if he were in fact innocent his refusal to do so is pretty much tantamount to an admission of guilt.

I've heard claims in the past that if one puts random numbers, white noise, into Mann's algorithm that one can get a hockey stick out of it.  That would show that there are significant problems with his analysis.

What you need to keep in mind is that, as AOC's chief of staff has admitted, the whole Green New Deal movement isn't about the environment but about returning us to a serf and overlord world where we the people are ruled, not represented, by our "betters" and where political power is the only way to become wealthy.

The elites who lead the climate scare movement know that there is no man made threat to the climate.  We can know this because they all support the Paris Accords which allow China and India to massively increase CO2 emissions.  Clearly if we're facing an existential crisis in the next 10 or 12 years as the elites keep telling us there is no way that we can tolerate China and India vastly increasing their CO2 emissions.  Yet the elites tell us that the Paris accords are great proving that they know that they're lying to us.

What you don't hear is that the Paris Accords also contain massive wealth transfer from the US to all sorts of people and countries that the elites like; and of course the elites will get a "taste" of all that money.

The climate change scare is all about tricking you into surrendering your money and your freedom to the elites.

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