Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Democrats declare their support for welfare for immigrants

President Trump has once again done something reasonable, make it harder for welfare using immigrants to become citizens, that forces the Democrats to admit that they're liars.

Historically when evaluating the eligibility of an immigrant for a green card the government has ignored the candidates use of many welfare programs including food stamps, Medicaid, and housing assistance.  Trump has now included those programs as factors that will be taken into account when an immigrant applies for a green card.

This makes perfect sense, America accepts immigrants who support themselves but we'd be insane to accept people who are just coming here to live off the American taxpayer.

When America had unlimited immigration, when the ancestors of most Americans came over, there were no welfare programs and so people either paid their own way, got voluntary help from charities, or went home. Today people can immigrate to America and live off the hard work of citizens which is why the whole nature of the immigration debate has changed.

Trump isn't saying that any immigrant who uses welfare is automatically denied a green card.  In fact unless the immigrant uses spends at least 1/3 of the time on some welfare program, out of a 3 year period, their use of welfare isn't considered. If they take more taxpayer money than just 1 years worth of one program that will be one of the factors considered when their green card application is considered.

Of course the left is up in arms screaming about how horrible this is. That's not surprising given that the left is for free health care for illegals paid for with your tax dollars.

What's interesting is that the left's positions have changed on a dime.  For ages leftists have been telling us that immigrants build up America and are a positive economic factor.  Now they're citing a study by a pro-immigration group that says that 47% of immigrants use one or more of the welfare programs that Trump is now going to take into account.

Why in the world would the US want immigrants who use welfare programs?  Now to be clear immigrants and refugee's are two different groups. Christians fleeing ISIS death squads in Syria need to be sheltered even if they do use welfare.  But if the candidate is just coming to America for a better life there is no way that that bette life should be financed by hard working Americans.

Of course there will always be hard cases; a good dedicated worker comes to the US and then is hit by a drunk driver who is an illegal immigrant and forced to go on welfare as he recovers.  But since the use of welfare is just one factor people in that sort of circumstance, rendered incapable of working through no fault of their own after getting here, have a good chance of getting a green card despite their use of welfare.

The lefts opposition to not allowing people who are going to live off welfare in as immigrants, like their taxing of Americans to provide free health care to illegal immigrants, shows that leftists don't care about Americans.

We also see a lack of real concern for immigrants in that the ultra rich Hollywood types and billionaires like Steyer and Soros will campaign for welfare and citizenship for illegal immigrants but not actually spend any of their own money to help illegal immigrants.

Ask your friends who might vote Democrat if they really feel that 47% of legal immigrants should be on welfare.

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