Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Dishonest judges at it again; tax payers have to pay for fake sex change surgery

A 31 year old convicted child molester is going to get free fake sex change surgery curtesy of the you the taxpayers if the wacko judges on the 9th Circuit have their way.

The court's ruling says:

"We hold that where, as here, the record shows that the medically necessary treatment for a prisoner's gender dysphoria is gender confirmation surgery, and responsible prison officials deny such treatment with full awareness of the prisoner's suffering, those officials violate the Eighth Amendment's prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment,"

What makes this really amazing is we know that people who pretend to change their sex have suicide rates 20 times higher than the general population.

This is sadly not surprising. People who think they're the wrong sex clearly have serious mental illness that has nothing to do with what reproductive organs they have.  But simply performing extensive plastic surgery and pumping them full of dangerous chemicals doesn't address the root problems which lead them to want to be something they're not.

When they finish with the procedure they suddenly discover that plastic surgery and hormones don't address the real problems that they were facing.  At that point they're like people on death row who've exhausted all their appeals; they don't think they have any way to in fact get better.  Hence they are sadly much more likely to try to kill themselves than if they'd actually addressed what made them think that they weren't wonderful people just as they were.

The court's ruling is absurd since not only is there no evidence that fake sex change surgery actually makes things better for these troubled people but because we know that it does in fact make it worse for many of them.

Clearly the court's rulings, as most rulings by dishonest judges, is a political statement designed to put the full power and authority of the government behind the scientifically absurd idea that men can become women.

In doing so the court is using the mentally ill to advance the left's hedonistic agenda even though by doing so they're hurting those sick people.

When a friend tells you he's Napoleon the truly loving response is to tell him he's wonderful just as he is; the response given by people who don't care is to call him my Emperor.

Think about it; the truth shall set you free and pretending that your friend can change his sex is a bald faced lie that will only hurt him.

The transgendered aren't monsters or evil people; they're people suffering from an extreme form of mental illness--similar to those people who want doctors to amputate their arm or leg because they don't believe that that limb is really part of them--who need our love and our support not our enabling of their destructive delusions.

It's time to call out how the left and dishonest judges are using those poor people to further the left's agenda without any concern for the consequences for the transgendered.

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