Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Democrats war on language and meaning: 1984 is here edition

The city of San Francisco is now going to stop calling criminals criminals. Common sense truthful terms such as “convicted felon,” “offender,” “convict,” “addict” and “juvenile delinquent” will be replaced with "justice-involved person".

The obvious issue is that the police, prosecutors, defense attorneys, judges, prison guards, and bailiffs are also "justice-involved persons".

The term criminal will be replaced with "a returning resident" or "a formerly incarcerated person".

The deeper problem is that this is all based on the lefts radical rejection of the concept of evil. To them criminals prey on the rest of us solely because of trauma's in their childhood.  Despite the failure of programs to reform criminals to drive recidivism anywhere near 0% Democrats still feel in their hearts that rapists, murderers, drug dealers, and child molesters are, to some extent, victims. That's why it's a cold day in perdition when you'll see Democrats worrying about victims but everyday is a go easy on poor criminals day for Democrats.

Which is more likely to keep a criminal from committing more crimes; knowing that in doing so he'll be despised by society or telling him that irrespective of his assaults on his neighbors society welcomes him?

But this is just the latest example of Democrats going all 1984 and redefining words to advance their agenda, in this case going easy on criminals.

Democrats dehumanize the unborn by calling them fetuses.  Science tells us that from the moment of conception the unborn are unique human beings.  Further the term fetus, when properly used, is just another term for a stage in human life like child, baby, adult, or senior citizen.  Fetus only refers to unborn babies that are more than 2 months along so it's technically incorrect to say that all aborted babies are fetuses.  Further the word fetus means offspring not non-human as the Democrats would want us to use it.

Democrats want abortion to be legal so that women can be objectified as sex objects and pressured by predatory men into having casual sex.  Hence they need to get people to think that killing an unborn human being isn't really killing; it's just excising a clump of cells.

People who illegally enter our country are "undocumented workers" which is on par with saying that someone who steals from a bank is an "undocumented withdrawer".  Democrats love illegal immigrants because they help Democrats win elections and if Democrats get them all citizenship they will help even more.

We are all called to help criminals reform. We are not called to deny the reality of their actions or to hide their offenses.

Like all other Democrat attempts to silence debate by changing the language we need to resist this one and demand that we not treat police officers and rapists equally as "justice-involved persons".

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