Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Planned Parenthood says it doesn't care about women's health

PP could have an extra $60,000,000 to help women if it would just not use its women's health services to push abortion--PP's cash cow.

PP could still provide services and refer for abortions with the other roughly $440,000,000 it gets from the American taxpayer but PP has chosen to hurt women rather than reduce the amount of abortion revenue it can generate.

This is a good thing in that while it reveals what PP really cares about it won't hurt women since there are thousands of women's health clinics who can help women with health problems that don't perform abortions.

If PP really cared about women it would keep the Title X funds and simply separate its women's health care activities from its abortion business.

That's why PP's rejection of the Title X money reveals what PP really cares about.  Of course that's not surprising since PP just fired their new President because she wanted to emphasize women's health and the PP leadership wants to emphasize abortion.

One last thing; less than 1% of women have an abortion because their life is at risk.

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