Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Big Racist Lie: 1619 edition

The New York Times has created a new program to rewrite history in order to convince Americans that all of American history is about slavery and race.  It's called the 1619 Project.

The name comes from the fact that the first African slaves arrived in America in 1619.

Of course given that slaves were always a small part of the American population and that slavery was  a small part of the economy--the North's economy was much larger than the South's for example--the basic premise of this project is a lie.

The project itself is inconsistent commingling complaints about slavery with complaint about how native Americans were treated. Given that many Native Americans had a history of brutally killing and enslaving the settlers--few people remember that many Native Americans sided with the French in wars against English settlers or that Native Americans enslaving captured women was not uncommon-- the morality of how they were treated is a much more complex issue than is the case with slaves who had done nothing to merit the ire of English settlers.

The basic belief of the project is that all white people are evil and have done nothing to help minorities.  Lincoln is attacked for his treatment of Native Americans for example.

This sort of blatant anti white racism is the new norm on the left.  All white people are bad and all minorities are saintly.

Forgotten is the fact that Blacks never got anything for themselves.  Blacks didn't free themselves from slavery, hundreds of thousands of white people died to end slavery.  Blacks didn't end the Democrat Jim Crow laws in the south, integrate schools, or pass the 14th Amendment and the Civil Rights act of 1964; whites did all that.

It's true that whites were slave owners, though there were Black slave owners, but far more whites fought the scourge of slavery and discrimination against Blacks than supported those Democrat policies.

The authors of the project's content see racism everywhere from traffic jams in Atlanta--I kid you not--to our use of sugar.  Their hatred of Europeans leads them to condemn the very people who made a society where minorities aren't denied basic rights.

This is all part of the new plan by the left to defeat Trump. They've now been forced to admit, albeit only in private, that Trump didn't collude with Russia so now they're going to paint anyone who doesn't support Medicare for all and slavery reparations as a KKK card holding racist.

One has to wonder what sort of people will vote for a party lead by white people that says that all white people are evil.

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