Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Trump's soft power war on Chinese imperialism

China tried to put military bases in Greenland and is claiming the entire South China Sea for itself.

Even Obama realized that China, not Russia, is the real threat to America near term.  The Chinese have interfered in US elections by illegal contributions to Democrat candidates and Putin's imperial ambitions are limited to places far from America and limited by the dying Russian economy.

Trump is using soft power to blunt the Chinese governments actions and keep Asia free.

Contrary to the lying #FakeNews media Trump didn't start a trade war with China.  When he took office Chinese tariffs on US goods were four times higher than US tariffs on Chinese good, China was stealing hundreds of billions of dollars worth of other countries intellectual property, and China was manipulating its currency.

The only thing Trump started was fighting back to protect American workers from predatory Chinese practices that artificially lowered the cost of production in China.

Trump's response has been to impose economic pain on China which, as seen by the recent failure of 3 major Chinese banks and the Asian stock markets responses, are hurting China in a major way.

One big lever the Chinese had was that they could hurt US farmers by not buying US agricultural products. Trump has negated that by working with Japan.  Japan is even more threatened by Chinese imperialism and the US is so they were glad to agree to buy billions of dollars of US grain.

The deal with Japan also shows that the #FakeNews media, and many conservatives, are wrong about Trump being a protectionist.  Japan agreed to open markets to the US and Trump agreed to lower tariffs on many Japanese exports.  Trump clearly wants a free trade system but the actions of the Chinese weren't supporting free trade; they were a classic example of a mercantile system designed o enrich China by exploiting other countries through asymmetric trade barriers.

Trump is moving to establish an agreement with another country, India, that is being threatened by China.  India has already fought a war against Chinese imperialism and they recognize the threat a totalitarian dictatorship poses to freedom in Asia.  They'll be glad to do anything that will help decrease Chinese power.  By helping the US blunt the impact of tariffs on Chinese products India will enable the US to strike a decisive blow to the expansive plans of the tyrants that rule Beijing.

When Obama and Hillary talked about "leading from behind" and soft power the #FakeNews media lapped it up and sang their praises even though their efforts all failed. Now that Trump is using US economic power to stop Chinese imperialism rather than shedding American blood the #FakeNews media is condemning him.

Just more proof that the real threat to the American press is the unending stream of lies and distortions that the #FakeNews media peddles in order to keep we the people to see how wrong pretty much every Democrat position is.

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