Thursday, August 15, 2019

Proof PolitiFact is a propaganda site

Recently both Kamala Harris and Elizebeth Warren have claimed that Michael Brown was murdered by a police officer.

Fact checking this is easy and both the Washington Post and the New York Times, hardly bastions of conservatism, rated the claim totally wrong.

The fact checking is easy because not only did the local grand jury refuse to indict the officer President Obama and Attorney General Holder supported the DOJ report which said the officer acted in self defense when Brown attacked him.

It would be hard to imagine a reason that two powerful Black men who have shown no unwillingness to attack the police would lie about this case.

Yet PolitiFact refused to rate the claim.

They say that the issue is about police killing people not just murdering them so that in that context there is no difference between a police officer killing a Black person in self defense and a police officer murdering a civilian in cold blood.

Clearly that's insane.

The only possible conclusion is that PolitFact, which was quite willing to rate Michael Cohen's claim that Hillary murdered the US Ambassador to Libya by not providing him with adequate security as false, is nothing more than a Democrat propaganda machine which refuses to actually fact check their political allies.

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