Wednesday, August 21, 2019

How the #FakeNews media lets us down; Police shooting edition

On Facebook I saw a link to an NBC account of a new law in California covering police shootings.

The article's title is "California Governor Signs Law to Limit Shootings by Police".

But the article doesn't say just what is in the bill.  It does say this:

"The measure by Democratic Assemblywoman Shirley Weber of San Diego will change California's existing lethal force standards to require that deadly force may only be used when necessary."

It turns out this isn't true; that was the original wording but it was rejected because it put an impossible burden on the police.  It was changed from necessary to reasonable.

The necessary wording meant that a cop having a split second to react would be held to be criminally liable if the conclusion she comes to is different than what a panel of lawyers comes to after studying the case for weeks.

The article also says that the new law will emphasize deescalating techniques.  Now that's fine but of course unless we presume that cops are currently eager to shoot people it's unlikely that this will change anything.

Of course given that California is run by Democrats and Democrats tend to assume that cops are eager to kill Black teenagers it wouldn't be surprising that Democrats thought they needed a law to reign in cops.

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