Saturday, August 10, 2019

Biden reveals that Democrats choose "truth over facts".

In Iowa Biden said the following:

"Everybody knows who Donald Trump is. Even his supporters know who he is. We got to let him know who we are. We choose unity over division. We choose science over fiction. We choose truth over facts."

Now contrary to what you might think that last sentence was not a mistake on Biden's part.

Rather he was stating the truth that Democrats decide what is true and then hold to that despite what facts may say.

For example Democrat's truth is that Trump is a racist so when he attacks radical leftists Democrats for their ideology it's racist. Similarly if Trump wants to enforce the immigration laws that Democrats passed that means Trump is racist.

We see this on pretty much every Democrat issue.  The facts are that medicare for all is unaffordable yet the Democrat's truth is that it is very affordable.

The facts are that man isn't contributing significantly to climate change but the Democrat's truth is that we need to punish the poor by drastically increasing energy prices in order to have a tiny impact on climate change.

Similarly Democrat's truth is that a man can wish himself to be a woman contrary to the scientific fact that our sex is determined by our DNA.

Democrat's truth is that the unborn are "blobs of cells" contrary to the scientific fact that human life begins at conception.

We are living in the age of Democrats revealing what they really believe. Since FDR Democrats have lied about their beliefs in order to get elected.  But now stupid Democrats like AOC have managed to create a fake world where Americans want to lose their health insurance and want to have open borders. In that bizzaro world it makes sense for Democrats to come out and say what they really believe.

For that we need to be grateful.

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