Thursday, August 22, 2019

Defining White Nationalism

With the collapse of the fake Russia collusion story the Democrats need another lie to keep people from actually thinking about how bad Democrat policies are for them.

The apparent choice is racism/white nationalism.  While there have always been white nationalists running around they have no power and rarely can summon more than a dozen people for a protest.  In fact without the constant attention paid to them by the #FakeNews media most Americans wouldn't know they exist.

What is a white nationalist?  Well it's someone who thinks whites should have special privileges.  But using that definition you'd be hard pressed to fill a little league bleachers with white nationalists so the left has redefined white nationalism:

white nationalist = anyone who disagrees with any Democrat policy

That's why Trump and pretty much anyone else who's to the right ideologically of the Squad is being called a white nationalist these days.

If someone says we shouldn't allow illegal immigrants to drive down the wages of US workers, especially Blacks, they're a white nationalist.

If someone says that we should temporarily restrict immigration from failed countries because we can't be sure who we're letting in they're a white nationalist.

Essentially leftists have managed to render racist and Nazi into terms that no longer offend people because leftists called everyone racists and Nazis thereby defusing the impact of those labels for many people. Not because people support Nazis or racists but because they have realized that the chances of someone who is called a Nazi or a racist actually being one is miniscule.

Leftists are hoping that white nationalist will manage to cause people to automatically hate anyone to whom that label is applied.

After all if leftists can't silence the opposition they'll never win any argument.

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