Tuesday, August 13, 2019

New study shows that cops don't target Blacks

A new study shows that there are no racial biases in police shootings. Rather the number of offenders of a given race drives the number of people of that race who are shot.

The sad reality is that while the vast majority of Blacks are honest the percentage of Blacks who are criminals is higher than the percentage of whites who are criminals.  It's sad because the victims of Black criminals are almost always Blacks.  We know that Blacks commit more crimes because their victims, who are also usually Black, identify their attackers as Black. Clearly there's no reason a Black person would say that another Black attacked them when in fact they were attacked by a white person.

This is extremely important now that Democrat presidential candidates like Kamala Harris, Elizebeth Warren, and Beto O'Rourke are claiming that the police have it in for Blacks.

The reality is that the study shows that if anything police officers are more likely to shoot whites.

As Heather Mac Donald points out the sort of "questionable" shootings that make national headlines for weeks if the victim is Black are ignored if the victim is white:

"In 2015, the year the PNAS study addressed, the white victims of fatal police shootings included a 50-year-old suspect in a domestic assault in Tuscaloosa, Ala., who ran at the officer with a spoon; a 28-year-old driver in Des Moines, Iowa, who exited his car and walked quickly toward an officer after a car chase; and a 21-year-old suspect in a grocery-store robbery in Akron, Ohio, who had escaped on a bike and who didn’t remove his hand from his waistband when ordered to do so."

That's why forming our opinions about race based shooting can't be done based on the information the #FakeNews media provides us.  They bias their reporting by lying about cases where Blacks were shot--Obama and Holder said that the Brown shooting was legitimate self defense by the police officer for example while the people like Harris and Warren are saying it was murder--and ignoring police shooting whites in similar circumstances.

Police departments are under pressure to hire more Blacks but that won't make any difference because the race of the officer doesn't impact the chances that a Black individual gets shot.

Now it's racist to hire people just because they're white but it's equally racist to hire people just because they're Black. One can make an argument that police departments should reflect the ethnicity of the areas they police but not if that means that standards are lowered.  Sadly many police departments are lowering standards which means less qualified police officers are going to get into potentially lethal confrontations with citizens.  That is more likely to drive up police shootings of minorities.

If a police Department wants to perform outreach to make the department resemble the people they police while maintaining standards that won't have any negative impact on public safety but that's not what the leftists want. Leftists want racial quotas so that they can pretend that they care.

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