Thursday, August 22, 2019

If you think Democrats care about you you're wrong

Because Democrats can't defend their positions, all of which are designed to get more power for Democrat politicians not to help we the people, they try to get votes by positioning themselves as champions of various groups like Blacks, women, and children.

The reality is that Democrat policies actually hurt the groups they're supposedly helping.

Blacks:  The Democrats have been the party of racism since they were founded by a slave owner. Democrats fought the Civil War to keep slavery legal, they founded the KKK, they passed all the Jim Crow laws that kept Blacks in the back of the bus, they segregated the Southern public schools, a d they supported welfare programs that destroyed the Black family.

Today thousands of Blacks are shot each year in Democrat run cities and the Democrats do nothing to stop this horror. Black kids are being failed by the inner city publics schools but Democrats fight tooth and nail to keep Black kids from having school choice.  Black women are 3 times more likely to abort their babies than white women, abortion is the leading cause of death for Blacks in America today, but instead of condemning this Democrats pour money into Planned Parenthood which targets Blacks for abortions.

Further look at how Democrats treat Blacks like Candice Owens, Kanye, Ben Carson and Justice Thomas who dare leave the Democrats ideological plantation.  The vilification of these people is both horrifying and something that if done by a conservative to a leftists Black would cause the Democrats to scream racism for days on end.

The reality is that Democrat politicians only care about getting more power and as long as Blacks vote Democrat Democrats won't do anything to help them.

Women:    The vast majority of the sexual predators who have been uncovered because of the #MeToo movement have been Democrats.  Democrats knew about Clinton and Weinstein and either said nothing or defended them.  Democrats stand for hedonism so that men can use women as objects rather than love them for who they are.  As a result Democrats have to defend abortion for any reason at any time, even after birth, otherwise men could face 18 years of child support when they use a woman.

Democrats support sex selection abortion where an unborn girl is denied the right to ever become a woman because her mother wanted a son.

Democrat politicians complain about the fake wage gap but actually pay women who work for them less than the they pay the men who work for them.

Democrats actively attack stay at home moms and denigrate the historical role of women in raising children.  By constantly raising taxes in the last century Democrats forced women to go to work and turn their children over to strangers.

The reality is that Democrats believe that to be successful women have to be like men and have a job and be naturally promiscuous so that men can use them.

Children:  By saying that any illegal caught with a child should be released into America Democrats have created a thriving traffic in children. As many as 75% of the illegals caught with a child aren't related to the child; they buy children in order to exploit the Democrat's loophole.

Welfare programs and easy divorce which are championed by Democrats creates single family households denying children the father and mother that they need.  Studies show that kids in single parent households, despite the best efforts of their parent, are much more likely to commit crimes, use drugs, and get pregnant at an early age.

The public schools in many areas are failing our children, especially minority children. But Democrat politicians count on the massive contributions of teachers unions so they do nothing to fix the problem other than to demand more raises for teachers who are failing to do their jobs.

Science is clear; every abortion kills a human being. Yet now Democrats have come out in support of killing born alive babies if the baby in question survived an abortion attempt. That's right we can all agree that once a "fetus" is born she's a child so when Democrats say it's ok to let a child die by denying her medical care if her mother doesn't want her they're saying it's ok to kill children.

The reality is that Democrat policies hurt children.

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