Saturday, August 17, 2019

The gun violence that the media won't cover

While the #FakeNews media are saying that Trump is literally responsible for the acts of an eco freak who committed a mass shooting in El Paso--despite the freak saying that he was not radicalized by Trump-- they are maintaining an interesting lack of interest in the mass shooting in Dayton and the mass shooting of cops by a criminal in Philadelphia.

The #FakeNews media only covers gun violence stories that advance the Democrat agenda.  That's why when a Bernie supporter shot and nearly killed a Republican Congressman the story disappeared after two days.

The Dayton shooter was a an Elizabeth Warren fan and Antifa supporter. Clearly Democrats and the left can't let we the people know about that because if the people knew then the Democrats would have to agree with conservatives that the only person responsible in a mass shooting is the shooter.

The Philadelphia story is interesting because the man who fired more than 100 rounds at police officers was prevented by law from owning a gun of any sort.  Yet bizarrely, if you're a leftists, he somehow had one.

Around 10% of criminals who use or have a gun while committing a crime obtained their guns legally.  Hence no matter how draconian the gun control laws are they will have little or no impact on criminals getting guns. We see that in Chicago where nearly 3000 blacks are shot each year despite some of the strictest gun control laws in the country.

But that doesn't matter to Democrats, who are always eager to get even violent criminals out of jail early, since their real objective is to disarm we the people and make us helpless and dependent on the government.

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