Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Harvard study shows that wind power is worse than fossil fuels

The Harvard study shows that replacing the US's fossil fuels with wind power would result in an increase in US surface temperature of 0.24 deg C.

That is more significant than the lowering of temperature that would be achieved by replacing fossil fuels. 

Now it's impossible with current technology to replace all of our fossil fuel energy with wind power; and doing so would probably drive most bird species in America to extinction but what this shows is just one more example of warmists not looking at all the impacts when extolling the wonders of renewable energy.

For example when estimating the cost of wind power warmists assume that the units will last a certain number of years. However we're seeing signs that the units will not in fact last that long.

Similarly the impact of all the birds killed by the wind mills and the cost of having back up fossil fuel energy sources for when the wind isn't blowing aren't taken into account either.

One interesting quote from the summary is the following:

"The warming effect is: small compared with projections of 21st century warming, approximately equivalent to the reduced warming achieved by decarbonizing global electricity generation, and large compared with the reduced warming achieved by decarbonizing US electricity with wind."

What that is saying is that if we managed to eliminate all fossil fuel use for generating electric power the globe would cool by about 0.24 deg C.  Remember that when warmists talk about the earth warming by 1.9 to 3 deg C.  Clearly dramatically increasing the price of electricity by using the much more expensive wind power will hurt the poor, who spend a higher fraction of their budgets on energy than the rich, and not significantly reduce global warming.

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