Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Voter fraud is real and significant; at least tens of thousands of illegal ballots were cast in the last election

The Public Interest Legal Foundation has a new report out based on a deep dive into voter registration and votes cast that shows that tens of thousands of fraudulent ballots are cast in recent elections.

Democrats want to send ballots out to every registered voter but the study found 349,773 deceased people who are still registered to vote.

In 2018 the study found the following:

  • 37,889 people cast two votes from the same address
  • 6718 people voted after dying
  • 34,000 illegally voted from commercial addresses; not their home address
  • 8,360 people voted in two different states
  • 5,500 who voted from two different addresses in the same state

Those are all large enough numbers to flip a close state from Trump to Biden.

But the real point is that with the Democrats scheme to flood the country with millions of ballots for people who don't exist--while the study addresses the 349k deceased people on the rolls it doesn't cover people who have moved which other studies put in the millions-- those tens of thousands of people who voted fraudulently will be able to really up their game and cast hundreds of thousands of fraudulent ballots.

I'm going to be receiving a ballot for one of my daughters even though she hasn't lived here in ages and is registered to vote in another state. I'm not going to cast it but there is nothing that would stop me from doing so.

The study also doesn't address voting by illegal aliens. In California all an illegal alien has to do to vote is lie to a computer about being a citizen and they can be registered to vote; it's on the honor code no one checks.

One study showed that around 800,000 illegal aliens probably voted in 2016. That seems to be a lot until you realize that there are as many as 22,000,000 illegal aliens in the country which means that only 3.6% of illegal aliens would have voted fraudulently. Even if we take the lower 11,000,000 number getting to 800K fraudulent votes means that only 7.2% of illegal aliens would have had to vote.

But if you doubt Democrats intent to cheat can you explain why they are suing, in battleground states, to keep states from checking the signatures on mail in ballots and why they're passing laws that allow one person to submit many ballots with only one signature for the lot?

Neither of those makes any sense unless they're planning to submit lots of fraudulent ballots.  

They say that since the people checking the ballots aren't handwriting experts the issue is problematic but somehow America has allowed that in every prior election and survived.

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