Saturday, October 10, 2020

King Joe Biden the First: peasants don't deserve to know what I plan to do

It's bad enough that Democrats are calling for the elimination of the Supreme Court as a non-partisan body whose only role is to interpret the laws Congress passes and the Constitution but now it turns out that Joe Biden think's he's a king.

A king rules over the people; he doesn't represent the people.

Kings don't have to share what they think or what they plan to do with their subjects.  Subjects aren't to question the King only obey.

Joe Biden has directly said that we the people don't deserve to know what his position is on packing the Supreme Court.


What he's saying is that we don't need to know what he's going to do in order to vote for him.

But he can't be our representative if when we vote for him we don't know what he's going to do.

That coupled with Biden's clear disdain for us serfs shows that he wants to rule over us.

His policies which all put him in charge of every aspect of our lives from what we can say on Twitter to what we can eat, and the fact that he plans on taking more of our money are designed to make sure we do what he wants.

The American idea however is that power flows from the people and that Presidents are supposed to repress the people by enacting policies the people support.

I remember in high school being appalled that Medieval serfs had to work 3 months of the year for their royal rulers. Today Americans work 3.5 months a year for our ruling class.

It's time to say no to the man who would be king; Joe Biden.

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