Monday, October 26, 2020

Folks Joe Biden says he's running for the Senate

 While Democrats have been claiming that Trump is mentally incompetent since he was elected because he disagrees with them they are fine with ignoring Joe Biden's serious mental issues.

Hardly a day doesn't go by without Joe making a huge mistake.

Today he said he was running for the Senate:

“We have to come together, that’s why I’m running as a proud Democrat for the Senate,”

Today he also forgot Mitt Romney's name and referred to him as "the Mormon"

How is this guy going to run the country if he's elected?

The answer is he won't. 

Pelosi is putting together a 25th Amendment committee not to get Trump, for once she wasn't lying, but to get rid of Biden if he's elected so we can have President Harris. 


Groll said...

remember when trump asked if we could nuke the hurricanes? or when he said wind farms are bad for people's health? or when he said vaccines are linked to autism? or when he called Fauci and other immunologists "idiots"?

I'd prefer a president that misreads a teleprompter over a president who is totally ignorant and idiotic.

trinko said...

Trump asked if nucking hurricanes would help. I guess you're against questions. You do know that the idea was considered by real scientists at one point.

And when did Trump link vaccines to autism. I know Edwards made a fortune suing over that.

And wind farms are bad for people's health. as I recall studies have shown that the sound can be a problem

Also Biden didn't misread a teleprompter; he honestly didn't remember what office he was running for.

Oh and I'd prefer an non-racist President not one who, like Joe Biden has, says that Blacks who don't vote for him aren't really Black