Monday, October 5, 2020

Democrats hate Catholics who put the Church and not the DNC first: ACB edition

 We keep hearing that Democrats are kind, tolerant, compassionate, and caring but that apparently is a self assessment since when you hear hate it's almost always coming out of a Democrat.

Trump's candidate for the Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett is praised by conservatives and leftists for her brilliant legal mind. Since even Democrat voters wouldn't buy that she was involved in gang rapes Democrats have had to use other techniques to smear her.

A key one is to attack her for being Catholic.

Which is really odd since even as Democrats are attacking ACB for being Catholic they're telling us we should vote for Joe Biden since he's Catholic.

Here's a few of the Democrats who are attacking ACB for her faith:

Bill Maher said she's "really, really Catholic-like speaking in tongues" and that she's a "nut" because of her faith.

Democrat senator Dianne Feinstein said:

“The conclusion one draws is that the dogma lives loudly within you,” Feinstein added. “And that’s of concern.”

In other words Catholics need not apply. Which would mean that Feinstein shouldn't support Biden for President but oddly she does; which tells us that she doesn't think that Biden will let his Catholic faith overrule the desires of the Democrat base.

Democrat Senator Dick Durbin asked ACB if she was an "Orthodox Catholic". Can you imagine the outrage in the #FakeNewsMedia if a Republican Senator had grilled RBG on her faith by asking her if she was an "Orthodox Jew". It's fine to ask a judge if they will base their decisions on their personal religious beliefs rather than on the law, something that ACB says is totally unacceptable by the way, but it's not right to ascertain if their religious views are "acceptable".

Democrat Senator Mazie Hirono said[Not sure] "whether or her closely held held [religious] views can be separated from her ability to make objective, fair decisions".

Apparently there was no problem with RBG separating her deeply held political views from her rulings since she consistently went with what she thought the law should say, based on her political views, rather than what it did say.

Only Catholics can't be trusted to be objective in Hirono's mind.

Biden's Deputy Data Director Nikitha Rai said that Catholics, Muslims, and Jews can't be on the Supreme Court saying:

“True. I’d heavily prefer views[holding that active homosexuality is at odds with Scripture] like that not be elevated to SCOTUS, but unfortunately our current culture is relatively intolerant. It will be awhile before those types of beliefs are so taboo that they’re disqualifiers.”

This after it was pointed out to her that Catholics, Muslims, and Jews hold that active homosexuality isn't good.  Hence she's saying that people whose faith she doesn't like can't hold public office.

DNC Committee Member Atima Omara said that ACB tortures people by cutting out their tongues and tasing them.

She said that ACB is a "living version of Aunt Lydia" in the Handmaid's Tale and Aunt Lydia tortures people.

Of course ACB has never endorsed women being forced to have babies by the government only that after a woman has a baby she can't go and kill her because she doesn't want to accept the consequences of her actions--rape accounts for only 0.14% of abortions.

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