Thursday, October 15, 2020

Study on opening schools in Germany showed no increase in COVID19 cases

 Democrats want you to suffer so you'll vote for them.

That's why despite pediatricians saying that it's more harmful for kids to be kept at home than to reopen schools Democrats are pushing to keep schools closed.

We now know that people younger than 40, which means most parents of young children and of course young children themselves, are no more at risk from the China virus than they are from the flu.

But keeping kids out of school increases psychological harm not to mention making it harder for abuse of kids to be detected.

In response to that Democrats say that kids will kill their grandparents.  Of course good grandparents will isolate themselves from their grandchildren if that's what's best for the kids.

But we don't have to count on common sense a new very detailed study from Germany where schools were reopened during the summer has the following conclusion:

We conclude that school re-openings in Germany under strict hygiene measures combined with quarantine and containment measures have not increased the number of newly confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infections.

This adds to the anecdotal evidence that the reopening of schools doesn't cause an increase in China virus cases.

Interestingly the study actually says that reopening schools seemed to reduce the number of cases by a small amount.  

Hence once again in their quest to make you so miserable you'll vote for Joe Biden Democrats are rejecting science.

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