Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Joe Biden says that only Blacks stock store shelves


It's pretty clear that Joe Biden thinks that Blacks don't have what it takes to get good professional jobs despite his claim that:

"Poor kids are just as bright as white kids".

 Biden said he "misspoke", ie he let us see what he really thinks, but the question is did he misspeak because he doesn't believe that poor kids are as bright as white kids? :)

That's not what he says, he says he meant to include all races, but maybe his comment about "misspeaking" was misspoken. 

From eulogizing a KKK leader to extolling the niceness of segregationists Joe Biden clearly is comfortable with racists.

The fact that he often equates Blacks with menial jobs and poverty is revealing.  It's hard to deny that an unscripted Biden naturally tends towards a view of Blacks as being inferior.

That he refuses to condemn Antifa/BLM which are burning down Black neighborhoods is another sign that perhaps, contrary to the claims of the #FakeNews media it's not Trump whose the racist candidate in this Presidential campaign.

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