Monday, October 12, 2020

Catholic Joe Biden is lying when he says he was raised in a Black Baptist Church; no one surprised

 Last year when campaigning Joe Biden said:

“I got raised in the black church. We would go sit in Rev. Herring’s church, sit there before we’d go out, and try to change things when I was a kid in college and in high school.”

“I have a lot of black support because that’s where I come from. I was raised in the black church, politically, not a joke,”

While it's not a joke it is a lie, or a sign that Biden can't distinguish between reality and fantasy.

Joe said he used to visit Rev. Otis Herring who was a famous Black minister who died in 1996. When reporters went to his church and asked if Joe had been a fixture in the parish like Joe said the universal answer they got was "No".

Even radical BLM activist Shaun King has said that there is no evidence to support Joe's claim:

The Reverend Herring [Biden] speaks of there is the late legendary Reverend Otis Herring of Union Baptist Church in Wilmington. Other times this year when Biden tells this story he says he’d leave mass and go to the late Reverend Maurice Moyer’s church. I spoke to former members of their churches, as well as people close to both families. Neither stories are true. Joe Biden met both of these men much later in life and only learned about their great work in retrospect. Reverends Herring and Moyer were revered in Delaware and Joe Biden is abusing their names and deaths by falsely claiming they were his mentors in 1960. They were not. Four different people in Wilmington expressed to me that these claims of Biden are so outrageous and dishonest that it caused them to truly worry for his mental health.

What makes this lie even worse is that he told it to the NAACP.  That he lied in the face of Blacks who are fighting against racism in America show stat Joe is willing to say anything to get elected.

What's also interesting is that this Biden lie seems to conflict with other things Biden has done.  Could someone who was "raised" in a Black Baptist Church have bragged about getting an award for the infamous Democrat segregationist George Wallace?

Also would someone who was in fact "raised" by a Black minister say in a campaign speech “we (Delawareans) were on the South’s side in the Civil War.”?d

What is clear is that for someone who attacks Trump for supporting white nationalists and keeps lying about Trump not having condemned Nazis and white supremacists, while having given an eulogy for a KKK recruiter has an odd idea of what supporting white racism actually is.

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