Tuesday, October 20, 2020

I'm going all Jack Dorsey on my troll

 Some of you may have noticed an anonymous troll constantly posting nonsense on my posts.

His idea of a cogent comment is that the fact that under a California law Uber and Lyft wouldn't have to provide vacations but would otherwise have to treat their drivers as employees means that my point that the law would drive Uber and Lyft out of business is wrong.

He's admitted that he's ok with RBG pushing her secular views rather than ruling based on what the Constitution says but he "knows" that he can't trust ACB to not push her religious views which he says aren't acceptable.

While he's been amusing, since his comments usually prove my point, I've decided that in the spirit of FB and Twitter censoring conservatives--if you didn't know FB just demonetized the Babylon Bee for a post that had Senator Hirono calling for ACB to be burned at the stake if ACB turned out to be a witch-- I'm just going to deep six his comments.

Too little time to respond individual to the mass lies of the left.

Oh and my doing so is amazingly ironic.  When he first started trolling me, on the Caltech alumni group on FB, he said his purpose wasn't to debate me but to silence me by mocking me.

Right back at you dude!

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