Friday, October 16, 2020

Biden says cops should shoot people in the leg; he clearly watched too many Lone Ranger shows

The Lone Ranger was famous for his ability to shoot the guns out of the hands of criminals. While he shot many people I don't think he ever actually killed anyone.

Joe believes that Hollywood fantasy is in fact reality because he's calling for cops to shoot people in the leg rather than in the center of their bodies.

This shows that either Joe Biden is lying or that he knows nothing about guns whatsoever.

Anyone who has fired a pistol at a target range understands that hitting a torso sized target at 20 feet is challenging.  Hitting a leg, which is a much much smaller target is very hard even for expert shooters.

But when someone's life is at stake, and cops can't shoot people unless they think that's the case, adrenaline and natural fear make hitting a small target much harder.  The fact that the suspects are often moving makes it even more difficult.

Sure special forces Tier 1 operators go for a double tap to the head but those are people with intense long term training who are also 1 in a million in terms of the necessary specialized competence.

In any case a shot to the leg can easily cut an artery leading to death so Joe's proposal wouldn't even eliminate violent offenders being killed in self defense by the police. 

Joe is on the side of the criminals not law abiding people and certainly not the police. What's even odder is that he often says that people should defend their homes with a shotgun, a weapon which is far more likely to hit vital parts of a person even when aimed at a leg.

Do you want someone who believes that the impossible gun shots made by movie characters are real?

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