Monday, October 5, 2020

San Francisco Democrat Mayor discriminates against Hispanics and Asians

 Mayor London Breed announced a program where pregnant women can get $1000 a month through their pregnancies and for the first 6 months after her baby is born.

But only Blacks and Pacific Islanders can apply.

This is systemic racism at work. 

Even if you're woke and hate white people and think every white person is rich, most poor people are actually white, what about Hispanics and Asians?

There are around 25M whites in poverty but only around 8M Blacks in poverty.  While the Black poverty rate is higher the there are far more poor white people than poor Black people.

Apparently there is a hierarchy of rights with Blacks at the top followed by Pacific Islanders and with the rest of us riff raff not making the cut.

What's interesting is the Democrats who keep screaming about systemic racism are the only people who actually practice systemic racism.

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