Thursday, October 22, 2020

Don't ask don't tell: Joe Biden edition

No Joe's not gay.  He's been accused of sexual harassment by 8 women and sexual assault by one woman so it's clear that while he doesn't treat women well it's women he's interested in.

No the don't ask don't tell is referring to media coverage of Joe.

A laptop that Hunter Biden's lawyer said is his contains emails that clearly show that Joe colluded with his son Hunter to accept bribes from various foreign entities including the Chinese Communist government.

The #FakeNewsMedia ignored the story and are now saying that it's good to not ask Joe about this because the story isn't well sourced enough.

Which is truly an amazing joke given that the same folks who are saying that believed every anonymously sourced story about Trump even after it was discredited.  For example there was the anonymously sourced Atlantic story that Trump had dissed American war dead in Europe at a certain meeting.  Even after 10 people who were there, including John Bolton who hates Trump, went on record as saying that Trump did no such thing the #FakeNewsMedia apparently believe the story is true because they never question Joe Biden when he cites it.

Of course the ultimate example of the press's complete credulity about any thing that sounds bad for Trump is the Steele Dossier that supposedly showed that Trump colluded with Russia.

That document was paid for by Hillary Clinton, compiled by a foreign spy, and the contents were provided by someone who was in the pay of at least one Russian oligarch and who is suspected of being a Russian spy. Not only that but many clear factual errors exist in the document.  Yet despite all that, and the Mueller investigation being unable to verify anything in the document, the #FakeNewsMedia act as though it's gospel truth.

If you've ever watched one of the very rare times that Joe Biden actually answers questions from the press you'll note that they never ask him tough questions like they ask Trump. Rather they pitch him softballs and when he wiffs even those they help him give the "right" answer.

And when anything damaging to Joe shows up, like the clear evidence of his taking bribes from China, they simply don't tell you about it.

You have to wonder why Joe needs so much help if his ideas are ones that the American people would really like.

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