Thursday, October 22, 2020

More confirmation of Joe Biden's corruption

 You've never heard of Tony Bobulinski.  He's a navy veteran, a former head technology officer at the Naval Nuclear Power Training Command, and someone whose only donated money to very left wing Democrats.

It turns out that he's also someone who as worked closely with Hunter Biden and who has stated, on the record, that the emails the New York Post has published are authentic.  Further he's also explained that when Hunter talks about "the big guy" or the "chairman" in those emails Hunter is talking about Joe Biden.

So when Hunter's emails say that they have to set 10% aside for the big guy he's saying that Joe Biden will get 10% of the money.  In the specific case that's referring to a contract that Hunter was setting up with a Chinese corporation for $3M/year for "introductions alone".

He's further gone on record as saying that Hunter told him that Joe Biden had signed off on the deals that Hunter was making with China.

Now Bobulinski could be lying but his testimony is more corroboration for the Hunter laptop story than the Steele Dossier every had and the entire #FakeNewsMedia swears that Steele's work of fiction is the gospel truth even today long after Mueller discredited it.

Yet the #FakeNewsMedia refuse to cover this breaking story of how Joe is owned by the Chinese government.

If you want China to own the next President by all means vote for Joe.

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