Friday, October 9, 2020

Gavin Newsom proven wrong: non-Californians getting ballots for November


To be fair a ballot hadn't shown up at the Stepman house but a notice that a ballot was coming had.  That notice by itself showed that Newsom's only really valid complaint was about the trivial fact that Stepman had said the ballot had arrived when in fact he should have said that the state of California told him a ballot would be arriving; but then there's the Twitter character limit so...

I got one for my daughter, who like Stepman, hasn't lived in California for years.  Back in September I got a mailing that asked if my daughter wanted to register for perpetual mail in voting.  If I were one of the thousands of Democrats who've been caught voting fraudulently I would have said yes but being honest I will just destroy my daughters ballot when it shows up.

Stepman got the last word though


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