Democrats keep telling us that American is systemically racist and Blacks in America are going through hell.
Yet we don't hear about Black people trying to pass for white like they did in the Democrat run South. The Democrats made the South a racist hell hole with the Jim Crow laws and cops being able to brutalize and kill Blacks with impunity and the KKK running roughshod.
To avoid that Blacks who weren't very dark skinned tried to pass as whites. Even in the 1970s I had a friend in college who was a Jew but very dark skinned who was concerned people would think he was Black. Someone I worked with was a very light skinned Black man and he told me once that he was driving through southern Illinois and wanted to get a hotel room. He covered his curly hair with a hat and tried to get a room in hotel but the clerk said they didn't serve his type.
It makes sense in a systemically racist society that Blacks would want to be thought of as whites in order to avoid the oppressive system.
But during those years where the Democrat run South was systemically racist one never heard of whites pretending to be Black. After all that would be insane; why pretend to be someone in order to be oppressed?
Today however there are lots of whites who are pretending to be Black. Rachel Dolezal was president of the Spokane branch of the NAACP when she was outed as being white.
Jessica Krug a George Washington University history professor who'd claimed to be Black said she's sorry for her “continued appropriation of a black Caribbean identity.” She confessed: “I am not a culture vulture. I am a culture leech.”.
In Indianapolis a Black Lives Matter activist who has two white parents admitted to pretending to be Black for years.
A graduate student at the University of Wisconsin school of Journalism and Mass Communications admitted to pretending to not be white; they resigned from their teaching position.
It's clear that there can't be systemic racism in America if in fact white people are pretending to be Black. There can be racism but it can't be the systemic widespread racism that was prevalent in the Democrat run South.
But we all know that. Other than a tiny number of white nationalists, like the one who endorsed Joe Biden, every white person in America is afraid of being called a racist just like they're afraid of being called a Nazi precisely because nearly all white Americans condemn racism.
Even racists like Joe Biden are desperate to avoid the label because they know how toxic it is.
And Joe is a racist for the following reasons:
- He says nothing about the thousands of Blacks being shot in Democrat cities each year
- He says that Blacks who don't vote the way he tells them to aren't Black
- He says that all Blacks think alike
- “You cannot go to a 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian Accent.” — Joe Biden
- Despite Jesse Jackson having run for President Joe said “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” —Joe Biden on Barack Obama.
- “Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.” — Joe Biden
- He said that Obama was the first "clean" "articulate" Black presidential candidate even though Jesse Jackson had previously tried for the Democrat nomination
- He eulogized a man who founded his own KKK chapter
- He assumes that it's Blacks who stock store shelves
- His immigration policies hurt Blacks
- He refuses to condemn Antifa/BLM as they burn down Black neighborhoods
- “I organized a civil rights boycott because they wouldn’t serve black kids. One of our football players was black and we went there, and they said they wouldn’t serve him. And I said to the others, ‘Hey, we can’t go in there.’ So, we all left.” —Joe Biden made up a claim about organizing a boycott of a segregated restaurant.
- “When I marched in the Civil Rights movement, I did not march with a 12-point program, I marched with tens of thousands of others to change attitudes, and we changed attitudes.” — Joe Biden lied about marching with the Civil Rights movement. He never actually did that.