Saturday, June 8, 2019

Trump wins Democrats change the goal posts

Trump informed Mexico that they would lose a lot of money if they continued to let hundreds of thousands of illegals swarm into the US.

Democrats and antiTrump Republicans acted all squishy and declared that not only wouldn't Trump's approach not work that it would hurt America.

Of course to Democrats any reduction in the number of illegals, some of whom illegally vote mostly for Democrats, is a crime against America so their wanting no part of anything that would stop the US from protecting Blacks from unfair competition for jobs is no surprise.

What's interesting is that despite the mewling from US lasters Mexico decided that they'd rather make money than push illegals into the US.

Now that Trump has won the left is attacking Trump for other things.  There is no mention of how the prognosticators were all wrong and Trump was right.

What's really bizarre is that the same Democrats who are talking about boycotting Georgia for not supporting the mass murder of the unborn are saying that imposing a financial penalty on Mexico wouldn't change Mexican behavior.

The reality is that the left knew that the tariff on Mexico would work; they just did't want it to work because they want open borders.

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