Saturday, June 22, 2019

Condoleezza Rice reveals the #FakeNews media's racist lies

The Democrats and the #FakeNews media are trying to portray Trump as a racist and convince us that racism is a huge problem in America today.

Both of those claims are blatant lies disprove by the facts but truth has never been a concern of the #FakeNews media or Democrats.

NBC host Sheinelle Jones disingenuously said that "some" people say that it feels worse now in terms of racism.

Rice responded with:

“It sure doesn’t feel worse than when I grew up in Jim Crow Alabama. So let’s drop this notion that we’re worse race relations today than we were in the past.”

“I think the hyperbole about how much worse it is isn’t doing us any good,” 

When Rice was growing up her church was bombed by some racists and children, some of them her friends, were killed.  Democrats  in the South didn't prosecute or even pursue the bombers because then as now Democrats stand for the oppression of Blacks.

Back then they tried to keep Blacks in their place through violence and they do the same today.  In Democrat run cities like Chicago Black neighborhoods are unsafe and parents have to put their children in bathtubs when they sleep to avoid them being collateral damage in the massive shooting spree that goes on non-stop.

By keeping Blacks afraid, poorly educated, and in poverty Democrats get them to vote Democrat which is the only reason that Democrats tolerate Blacks.  After all we repeatedly hear this or that Democrat talking about why we need abortion to prevent crime and poverty and they're always talking about aborting Blacks when they do so.  

The leading cause of death for Black Americans is abortion and Blacks are 3 times more likely to abort their children than whites yet Democrats praise Planned Parenthood even though 80% of PP "clinics" are in minority neighborhoods.

The reality is that Republicans, including Trump, stand against racism while Democrats say they oppose it but then work hard to treat Blacks as second class citizens.

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