Thursday, June 20, 2019

Obama's buddies in Iran shoot down a US drone in international waters

Obama told us that while Iran would be able to produce nuclear weapons within a few years under his  deal it was ok because Iran wasn't that bad of a country.

Now that Iran is attacking US and other countries ships and drones it's becoming clear that Iran's support for international terrorism and attacks on Americans isn't some sort of aberration but rather the clear expression of the mad mullahs who run Iran's desire to impose Islam on all of us.

The last time Iran did something like this the US sank their whole fleet. That bought decades of less openly aggressive behavior by Iran.

Given that even Germany is now admitting that it was Iran who attacked those oil tankers it's time for them to join with the US, and all other major international players, in retaliating against Iran.

We don't need to "liberate" Iran. Sinking its fleet, destroying a few of its nuclear sites, and taking out a large part of their air defense system would send a strong message with a very low risk of American or civilian casualties.

Of course without the economic relief that Obama gave Iran in return for them saying that they might not develop nuclear weapons in the near term Iran couldn't be waging this attack on the rest of the world.

But don't worry the #FakeNews media will cover up Obama's responsibility for the mess we're in now.

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