Monday, June 17, 2019

Oberlin College journalist reveals the lefts superiority complex

Pretty much everything done by the left in America today is about putting them above us as our rulers.

They reject the idea that people who disagree with them should be allowed to speak.

They believe that they can control every aspect of our life from how much soda we drink to what sort of straws we use.

They believe that they can force Christians to go against their religious beliefs while saying that Muslims must be catered to.

You've probably heard about Oberlin College's attack on a privately own bakery, Gibsons, has resulted in Oberlin owing the Gibson family $33 million.

The college accused the bakery of racism and internal documents showed that the college was deliberately trying to destroy the bakery's reputation with false charges of racism.

The whole affair began when Gibson's called the police on three shoplifters who happened to be Black.  Despite the fact that the racial makeup of students arrested for shoplifting mimics that of the community--Blacks are not over represented--Oberlin waged a war against Gibson's trying to smear it as a racist company.

A recent article by an Oberlin student has revealed another troubling aspect of the whole incident.

Apparently the rich, it costs around $70 thousand a year to go to Oberlin, students are all in for the idea that stealing is their right.

The first thing to note is that 82.5% of shoplifting arrests are of Oberlin students.

The second is that in an article in the Oberlin college newspaper from 2017 students made it clear that they felt it was their right to steal things like wine and pens from local businesses.

That's how royalty treats peasants.  It's a clear sign that the ultra leftists woke Oberlin students feel that they are better than the simple shop owners and as such that they have the right to steal from them.  Of course they don't think of it as stealing.  For example one student justified stealing pens because they are overpriced.  They were striking a blow for egalitarianism by confiscating an exploitively over priced object from a reactionary business owner.

If you keep your eyes open you'll find new examples of how the left views themselves to be above the law and how they believe that they have the right to rule we the people every day.

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