Saturday, June 15, 2019

The left is responsible for the measles epidemic

Former presidential candidate Democrat John Edwards made a fortune suing vaccine companies for birth defects their vaccines supposedly caused.  We now know, and the evidence was strong back then, that that claim was bogus.  Yet the left didn't condemn what Edwards did and thereby effectively supported the idea that vaccines are dangerous.

But is it surprising in light of that that some people don't want their kids vaccinated?

Further the left gives us scare story after scare story about how this or that man made chemical is going to kill us.  The #FakeNews media blares every such claim and then says pretty much nothing when the claim is shown to be false.

In light of that is it surprising that some people oppose vaccinations?

The left has pushed unnecessary vaccines like the one for HPV.  Kids only get HPV if they're sexually active and the vaccine being new hasn't been throughly tested.  Hence it makes sense for parents who raise their kids to not be promiscuous to pass on that vaccine.  By demonizing those parents the #FakeNews media reduces its credibility when it talks about useful vaccines.

So it's not surprising that some parents will reject vaccines in general.

Finally some vaccines are based on aborted babies.  A lot of people don't want to benefit from the murder of innocent children. Yet the left says that butchering babies is fine so long as someone benefits.

This too leads to people rejecting vaccines.

All in all the left's approach to vaccines that has led a significant fraction of the antivaccers to not vaccinate their kids.

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