Monday, June 24, 2019

It turns out that Google is changing search results in order to advance a leftist agenda.  Look at these two search results:

Almost all of the responses for men are either derogatory or talk about things that only women can do, like have babies now.  On the other hand the entries for women are either very positive or at worst neutral.


Because Google is on record now as saying that they don't care if the search results are true; what matters is that they advance Googles leftist agenda:

Google is saying that it will not report fact that contradict the leftist narrative.  That's why the search for "men can" says that men can have babies even though only biologically female human beings can have babies.  To express the truth would hurt the left's lies about transgenderism and gender fluidity and hence had to be suppressed.

It's rather amazing but not surprising that the leftists at Google think that they are capable of objectively determining what is a more fair and equitable state.  Odds are that they are rigging their AI so that it returns results that support the government paying off students college debt.  But given that that policy causes the 60% of Americans who didn't go to college to pay for the tuition of people who chose to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to get a useless degree in race or gender studies it's hardly clear that it's either equitable or fair.

Even worse a key Google executive has said on video that Google is working to make sure that 2016 doesn't happen again; ie that a candidate they don't like is elected.

This should be enough to allow people to sue Google for all sorts of reasons.  Google enjoyed a protection from being held responsible for its actions when it was a content neutral platform.  But now that Google itself is admitting it's a publisher that controls its content that protection no longer applies.

For example conservative websites which are deliberately down rated should be able to sue Google for essentially racketeering; using their platform to drive sites they don't like out of business.