Monday, June 24, 2019

Problems with Islam: Superiority complex edition

Many Muslims are good people and patriotic Americans but that's in spite of Islam not because of it.

Aside from the fact that Islam, unlike Catholicism, teaches that we should all be ruled by religious dictators Islam teaches that Muslims are superior to everyone else in the world.

Islam calls on Muslims to slay or subjugate non-Muslims.

Islam says that non-Muslims who are subjugated have to pay a special tax and are to be treated as second class citizens.

Islam says that Muslims can lie to non-Muslims if it advances the cause of Islam.

Islam says that Muslims are better people than non-Muslims.

This is why the Muslim world has so many people who are violent and bigoted.  They're poor, their culture is backwards, and their militaries always lose.  They react to that by hating non-Muslims since they "know" that Muslims are better so the only reason that they're suffering must be due to the evil non-Muslims.

Many Muslims rise above the hate in the Quran but the reality is that Islam is a 7th century version of Scientology.

Both were founded and made up by men who wanted to get wealthy, and in Muhammads case have sex with a 9 year old.  Neither performed any miracles or provided any proof for their claims.  Both were conmen at heart who were perfectly willing to use others to improve their own lifestyle.

Christianity teaches that we are to love our enemies and Islam teaches that Muslims are to conquer their enemies.

Christianity teaches that we are to turn the other cheek while Islam teaches that Muslims should do anything to win.

Until Muslims realize that they are not inherently better than the rest of us they will continue to be the main source of the worlds terrorism.

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