Saturday, June 29, 2019

Democrats want you to pay for "free" healthcare for illegals

Democrats are all behind taking away the healthcare you like and forcing you to go to a civilian version of the Veterans Administration where you'll die waiting for care.

Of course since nothing is free Democrats expect you to pay more taxes for the privilege of getting lower quality healthcare.

You won't be able to get your kid the tutor she needs and you'll have to fix your car yourself because of the money the Democrats will take from you but that doesn't hurt Democrats one bit.

But Democrats love illegals so illegals will get, in fact, free healthcare since they won't be paying the high taxes that we the people will that pays for their healthcare.

As far as can be seen there is absolutely no area in which Democrats think that illegals should be treated worse than hard working tax paying Black Americans.

That makes sense since all that matters about each of us to Democrats is whether or not we'll vote for them.

Anyone who votes for Democrats is automatically granted all the rights that Democrats believe in.

Anyone who doesn't is begrudgingly allowed their Constitutional rights until a dishonest judge can be found who will remove those rights.

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