Saturday, June 15, 2019

Hollywood allows Chinese censors to control movie contents

While Hollywood multi millionaires attack Trump they allow China to censor US movies.  In some cases Chinese censors are allowed to sit in on the filming of US movies in order to ensure that those movies don't offend the Chinese Communist government.

The motivation for Hollywood's submission to the will of mass murdering Communists is greed; the Chinese market provides a lot of money to Hollywood.

That's why you won't see a movie about the mass murder of Chinese students at Tiananmen Square or about the Chinese government putting over 1,000,000 Muslims into concentration camps.

What's really revealing is that the same industry that says it won't do business in Georgia because Georgia says that we shouldn't kill unborn babies has no problem doing business in China which for decades had a forced abortion policy where women who didn't want to abort their babies were forced to do so.

The leftists in Hollywood don't really believe in choice because if they did they'd condemn China's forced abortion policies.  What the left is for is abortion because the left views children as a burden and harmful to the environment.

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