Wednesday, June 12, 2019

NYT contributor says fighting terrorism overseas isn't patriotic

Wajahat Ali, NYT and CNN contributor, tweeted the following, since deleted:

Aside from the fact that Chrenshaw did in fact sponsor the Bill what is interesting is that Ali is saying that supporting a bill to direct taxpayer dollars to 9/11 victims is patriotic but risking one's life, and losing an eye, fighting to ensure that there are no future 9/11s is not.

When Ali was forced to admit that he was wrong about Chrenshaw not supporting the Bill he didn't change his tune on how being willing to die to protect America isn't patriotic.

Not only didn't he even bother to thank Chrenshaw for his service he attacked Chrenshaw for telling the truth about Ilhan Omar.

While most Muslim Americans are in fact good citizens Muslims like Ali and Omar, both Democrats, make a strong case that their first allegiance is to Islam and that they don't really like America.

Without American generosity Omar would be living in a slum in Africa yet she condemns America as not being good enough.  Ali makes a fortune working for the #FakeNews media but apparently believes that fighting Islamic radicals to prevent a future 9/11 isn't patriotic.

Of course the leftists belief that the only reason we were attacked is because of our support of Israel combined with the left's view of their handing out government money being the ultimate good are likely to underlie Ali's eagerness to attack the patriotism of a man who lost an eye defending America.

This is just one more reason why you can't believe anything the #FakeNews media says unless you can verify it from a reliable source.

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