Saturday, June 8, 2019

Why Democrats are pushing for plumbers to pay for others college tuitions

We recently saw that Democrat Presidential candidate Eric Swalwell is horrible at managing money, spending more than he earns, which is a good reason to not trust him to run the economy.

Today we learn that Democrat Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, hey vote for me I'm gay, and his "husband" owe $131,296 in college debt.

Is it any wonder that he wants to tax plumbers, carpenters, and car mechanics who didn't go to college to reduce the cost of college?

While Buttigieg rejects free college he says that he wants states, ie taxpayers, to pay more for college student, he wants more Pell grants--taxpayer funded--, reforms to allow refinancing of student loans, and forgiving the debt in some cases.  So basically he still wants people who don't go to college to pay for the college costs of those who do.

The simple reality is that people can go to a good college and not pay an arm and a leg.  Long after Buttigieg went to college you could go to a good college for less than $25,000 a year.  Even today there are great bargains where you'll learn just as much as you would at grossly overpriced schools like Oberlin College.

More importantly no one ever put a gun to anyone's head and forced them to go to an expensive college.  Every cent of student debt was accepted voluntarily.

The Democrats demand that hard working Americans pay for the college debts of the 40% of Americans who went to college is on par with demanding that the taxpayers help subsidize the cost of  the truck that a carpenter needs to do his job.

It's even worse in that in many cases leftists paid huge amounts of tuition to learn about gender theory or English literature; knowledge that doesn't open up the possibility of a decent paying job. Basically Democrats want the taxpayers to pay for the mistakes made by leftist, mostly white, students.

Buttigieg majored in history and literature; fields pretty much guaranteed to be useless for most jobs other than teaching.  Of course a good liberal arts eduction can provide one with a general preparation for life but does that mean that strangers should have helped Buttigieg even more than they did to afford Harvard vs some equally good but less prestigious college?

While Buttigieg is currently to the right of most of the Democrat candidates in that he only supports more taxpayer money for students not outright free college he's still advancing the concept that we the people owe the upper class, Buttigieg's parents were both Notre Dame professors, college on the cheap.

You'll notice that those Democrats don't talk about subsidizing the cost of trade schools where people learn marketable skills.

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