Tuesday, June 18, 2019

What the Democrats want for you: gas prices edition

The national average price for gasoline is $2.86 a gallon. In Democrat Heaven California it's $4.07 in large part to onerous regulations and massive taxes.

People tend to forget that Obama's energy secretary--Chu--, and probably Obama, wanted US gasoline prices to be in the $9-10 a gallon range that they are in Europe. Chu said:

“Somehow, we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”
Democrats want gas to be expensive because cars are freedom and Democrats hate that.

They hate free speech, if they don't like it it's hate speech which isn't protected according to them by the First Amendment, they hate our right to own guns, and they hate that we have the freedom to drink as much soda as we want to.

If Democrats win power in the US we'll all see gas prices skyrocket.  Remember how Obama told us that we'd never be able to drill our way out of energy dependency?  Well Trump has proven Obama wrong. The US is now a net energy exporter which means that we can't be blackmailed by Iran threatening to attack oil transports in the Gulf.

The reality is that unless you're an obscenely wealthy Silicon valley employee or a Hollywood muck life in California is impossible. To buy a house in San Francisco you need to make more than $300k a year.  Houses in the Silicon Valley are even more expensive.

While California only has 12% of the US population it has 34% of people on welfare.

The only thing good about California anymore is the weather and the scenery neither of which the Democrats have any control over.

When pondering how to vote in 2020 remember that California is what Democrats want for the whole country; obscenely rich leftists living in luxury and running the smallest details of our lives.

1 comment:

Anne C. said...

Although we don't have the good weather or the scenery - or the completely unaffordable housing, MN is turning into California in other ways ... Our latest Dem governor started out trying to raise gas prices. Fortunately, cooler heads prevailed. We have a different population taking over - a religious community who wants no separation of church and state whatsoever - as long as it's their church. And their religion commands that they lie to and destroy the rest of us, whom they describe as the "infidel."