Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The "hate crime" at the school where Vice President Pence's wife teaches was a lie

The #FakeNews media instantly ran with a story that a Black 6th grader had her dreadlocks cut off by white classmates.  Because VP Pence's wife teaches at the school the media used the story to attack Pence.

Now it turns out that it, like far too many other supposed hate crimes, was a hoax.  We know because the young girl has admitted to lying and her family, who seem to be really good people, have asked for forgiveness.

The young girl who lied about this shouldn't be held too responsible, she's just a kid and her family is making it clear she will be held accountable, but the #FakeNews media which believed her story and ran with it without any corroboration should be held accountable.

If some white kid who went to a school which Bernie Sanders wife ran claimed to be attacked by three black kids the #FakeNews media would be unlikely to report it and they certainly wouldn't try and smear Bernie because of it.

There is nothing that the #FakeNews media won't believe and repeat if it hurts their political opponents.

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