Saturday, October 19, 2019

Democrats break the law and it's ok: Hillary email edition

The State Department has declared that 38 people sent classified information 91 times to Hillary Clinton's insecure email server.

Putting classified information, some of which was at the Top Secret level which means release of it can cause serious harm to the US, on an insecure unclassified server is a serious crime.

Amazingly of the 588 cases the State Department found it couldn't assign responsibility in 497 cases. Given that every  email has a from address it's unclear how that is possible.

But of course given that it's unlikely that anyone will be punished for their gross damage to American security it doesn't really matter.

Hillary has already been exonerated by the dishonest James Comey so it's unlikely that the Swamp flunkies who followed her lead will be punished.

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