Monday, October 21, 2019

At most 6.4% of the Kurds in the Middle East are going to be impacted by Trump not getting us into a war with Turkey

While the #FakeNews media acts as though Trump not getting the US into a war with Turkey is going to lead to genocide against the Kurds the reality is far different.

There are about 31 million Kurds in the Middle east.  18 million are in Turkey already and the region that the Turks are going to occupy as a "buffer" zone contains fewer than 2 million Kurds.

The Turkish "buffer" zone contains significantly less than half of the area that the Kurds occupy in Syria and the Kurdish regions in Iraq and Iran aren't being touched.

The question then is is it worth getting the US into a major war with a NATO country, a war in which Europe might side with Turkey, in order to protect a tiny fraction of the Kurds in the Middle East.

The first thing to note is that while the Turks treat Kurds in Turkey very poorly there is no indication that the Turks are going to commit genocide against the Kurds the way the Turks committed genocide against the Armenians over 100 years ago. The fact that the Kurds are Muslims while the Armenians tend to be Christian makes it far less likely that the Turks would try and eradicate the Kurds.

Hence the result of the Turkish "buffer" zone would be to put some number of Kurds into the same situation that 58% of Kurds in the Middle East already are experiencing. That's not good but it's not the end of the world.

Secondly the US appears to be continuing to supply weapons and intelligence support to the Kurds as well as applying economic pressure to Turkey.  The Kurds are great fighters and there's a good chance that they can hold off Turkey just as the Afghanis held off the Soviet Union.

At some point the economic pain caused by Trump could also convince Turkey to back off.

Third given that Turkey is hell bent on creating this "buffer" zone the only other option Trump had was a war. Does anyone outside of the beltway think that the American people are interested in going to war with Turkey to protect the Kurds?

Fourth the Kurds helped us out of self interest. ISIS wanted to exterminate the Kurds and the US helped save them.  Similarly without the US liberation of Iraq Kurds in Iraq would still be being slaughtered by Saddam.  The US has already done wonderful things for the Kurds; we don't owe them anything.

Fifth we know that the same Democrats who are condemning Trump for "abandoning" the Kurds had no problem with Obama precipitously withdrawing US forces from Iraq which was the proximate cause for the rise of ISIS.  Nor did Democrats find anything to be bothered about when Obama overthrew the government of Libya and then left which put the citizens of Libya at the mercy of warlords and terrorists.  Clearly if Obama had done what Trump just did the Democrats would be praising it as a wonderful decision.

It would be nice if we could protect this small group of Kurds. It would be nice if we could get China to release the over 1 million minorities that China is holding in concentration camps too but no one is suggesting we get into a war to do that.

Just because we have a volunteer army doesn't mean the President should be using Americans to solve all the worlds problems.

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