Tuesday, October 1, 2019

#FakeNews media and Democrats don't want the Russian collusion lie investigated

The Mueller investigation proved conclusively that the 2 year long attack on Trump by the #FakeNews media and Democrats was all a lie.

Now Trump is quite reasonably asking how did such a huge lie get started?  After all the FBI wiretapping the opposition parties presidential campaign based on unverified rumors from Russia is a really big deal so shouldn't we find out what went wrong so we can avoid it in the future?

Yet when Trump asked Ukraine and Australia to work with the folks who are investigating what went wrong the #FakeNews media are saying that Trump is engaged in evil activity.

For 2 years the #FakeNews media have told us that there is nothing more important than getting to the truth about Trump stealing the 2016 election by colluding with Russia.

For 2 years we now know that the #FakeNews media was feeding we the people stories that weren't true.

If the #FakeNews media were doing so innocently wouldn't they want to know how that happened so that they can't be fooled again?

Yet the fact that the #FakeNews media response has been to demonize Trump's efforts to get at the truth seems to indicate that the #FakeNews media don't care that they were telling we the people things that weren't true.

They're even making things up. The New York Times ran a story saying that Trump "pressed" Australia to cooperate when in fact no pressure was needed.  Unlike the #FakeNews media the government of Australia wants to help get to the bottom of this huge disaster.  You'd think that if the #FakeNews media were honest they'd note that we now know that Trump didn't pressure the Ukraine so that perhaps they should have waited for more facts before saying Trump pressured Australia.

That they didn't is more evidence that the #FakeNews media doesn't care about truth only about getting rid of Trump.

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