Monday, October 14, 2019

Democrat Gavin Newsom says that we can be subject to alien overlords

Newsom, the governor of California, just signed a bill that allows illegal aliens to serve on government boards.

Now in addition to getting free health care, free education, and free housing illegal immigrants will be able to help the Democrats rule over we the people.

The Democrat who pushed the bill admitted that the objective was to make the California more "representative"; ie to treat illegal immigrants as though they were US citizens.  Of course if illegal immigrants weren't staunch backers of the Democrats this wouldn't be happening.

While some of these boards are relatively innocuous others wield significant power.  Having law breakers on boards that are related to the legal system for example is clearly problematic.

Given that illegal immigrants could easily have a far different agenda than legal immigrants and people born in America this plan is a clear sign that Newsom and the Democrats in CA are eager to end democracy and become despots who rule us rather than people who represent us.

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