Monday, October 7, 2019

Abortion isn't healthcare; it hurts women. It's legal so men can exploit women rather than love them.

A study back in 2011 that was published in the British Journal of Psychiatry showed that women who have an abortion are 81% more likely to have some form of mental problem.

34% more likely to develop an anxiety disorder
37% more likely to have depression
110% more likely to misuse alcohol
155% more likely to commit suicide
220% more likely to use marijuana

This isn't surprising.  After all if women are the products of evolution they're the product of billions of years of evolution which selects women for their ability to produce children that will send their genes to the future.  Hence from a purely secular perspective abortion is a direct repudiation of a woman's biological identity.  That going against what they were designed to be is obviously going to create mental issues.

Now if we look at from a religious perspective God has written His natural law, including though shall not kill, on everyone's hearts.  Hence it's not surprising that women who kill their sons and daughters will feel guilt and remorse.

The fact that the #FakeNews media and the Democrats don't care about the adverse consequences, the fact that they ignore butchers like Kermit Gosnell who treat women horribly, the fact that they lie about the problems many women have after killing their child shows that abortion is a tool of patriarchal oppression.

Men want abortion to be legal so they can use women as objects rather than love them for who they are.  It's not accident that it's the pro-abortion politicians like Bill Clinton who need to be able to avoid any consequences of their dalliances who push to keep abortion legal.

Prior to the legalization of abortion women had power in any relationship. If they didn't want to have sex with a man they could simply point out that every sex act, even if contraception is used, can result in a pregnancy.  Hence men had to be careful who they slept with lest they end up with 18 years of child support.

But now men can basically tell women that if they don't go along with being use they'll just find a woman who will.  Abortion gives men the power to use women and then just walk away rather than uphold their responsibilities as fathers.

It's amazing that society has managed to convince women that being able to kill their children so that men can use women is a pro-woman thing.

Only 0.3% of abortions are done because of a woman's life is at risk, 1.4% due to some other less serious health issue, 0.14% are due to rape, and 0.01% are due to incest; 98+% of abortions are the result of consensual sex where the mother, or often her significant other, just doesn't want to accept the consequences of her action.  It's not healthcare.  It's death care.

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