Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Democrat Rashida Tlaib advocates racial profiling against white people in hiring decisions

Ultra leftist and Jew hating Democrat Congresswoman Tlaib said that white people can't tell Black people apart and as a result she advocated racial profiling against white people.

This occurred when Tlaib was getting a tour of Detroit's Real Time Crime Center where facial recognition software is used to identify wanted suspects.

Tlaib said:

“Analysts need to be African-Americans, not people that are not,” Tlaib said. “It’s true, I think non-African-Americans think African-Americans all look the same!”

Making her comment even worse she said that the Detroit police should only hire Black people as analysts.

Can you imagine for one second the outcry if a white politician told the Chief of Police in Detroit that because Black people think all white people look alike he should only hire white analysts?

This is a clear example that strongly indicates that Tlaib is either a racist or someone who just doesn't like white people.

But of course leftists tell us that people of color can't be racist because they have no power.  It's unclear how person of color, like Tlaib, who is a member of Congress has no power while a plumber in Ohio who happens to be white does.

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