Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Climate alarmists don't believe what they say: China coal use edition

We're told by radical environmentalists that we're facing an extinction level event if we do nothing to end human CO2 production.

No sacrifice is too great for Americans to avoid this.  We're told by scientific geniuses like Ocasio-Cortez that we must give up cars, planes, and beef to keep the world safe.

What's odd, and what proves that the leaders of the climate is going to kill us movement don't really believe what they're saying, is that these jihadists for Gaia never talk about China.

For example in the Paris Accords, which the climate jihadists love, China is allowed to massively increase its CO2 production; something that no one who believes we're facing catastrophe could possibly allow.  Because the jihadists are all for China massively increasing CO2 production they, the climate alarmists, can't possibly believe that we are in fact facing a crisis.

The latests silence of the jihadists is about China's use of coal. Coal is far worse than natural gas in terms of the CO2 it produces, which is why US CO2 is going down dramatically under Trump because Trump is encouraging fracking which makes natural gas a cheaper source of energy than coal, so the fact that China uses more coal than the rest of the world would merit a comment from the jihadists.

Yet we hear nothing.  Clearly if the climate radicals really believed what they're saying before they demand that the US stop cows from farting they'd be working on China to cut its massive use of coal.

Clearly the climate alarmists aren't really concerned about CO2 created climate change but about forcing Americans to live the lifestyle that they, the climate alarmists, want us to live.

They want we the people to be vegans and unable to easily move around.

The clearest way to see that the "science" that the alarmists invoke is bogus is to note that the alarmists are ignoring the worlds major source of CO2, Communist China, and attacking tiny sources of CO2 in the US.

We see this in terms of straws too.  It turns out that China puts 33 times more plastic into the ocean than the US, and the US puts in less plastic than North Korea, but the climate alarmists demand that we the people give up plastic straws and say nothing about China's massive pollution problem.

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